You’ve called me a liar
You’ve called me a fake
There is nothing you can say
That would ever take away the years I’ve spent… dedicated to my fucking my art
Pre Breakdown
Knowing a little more
About the situation and what I’ve endured
Try taking a moment of your time
To actually get to know me
Instead of
Jumping down my throat
Your quick to judge
Your quick to judge
Instead of
Verbally assaulting me
Your quick to judge
Your quick to judge me
I know
You are better than the way you are
Acting right now
Stop acting like a child
When will
You wake up and finally grow the fuck up
Just grow the fuck up
Stop pretending like you are better than me
Are mortal enemies
Rest of history
Breakdown part 2
I wish we could start over but too much has already been said
And you’ve already stated you wish I were dead
Don’t pretend to apologize
when I know
how you truly feel about me
Try and comprehend
Your actions speak louder than words
I can’t stand your ignorance
fuck you
When I reached out
You shut me down
Your senses have failed you now
You were so quick to judge
You started this stupid fucking grudge
I wont tolerate bullshit coming from an insignificant fuck like yourself
You fucking prick
You’re a stupid fucking bitch
I hope you burn in hells infernal prison cell
Pre Breakdown
You scream and fucking yell
and yell
and yell
Fast verse 3
Knowing a little more
About the situation and what I’ve endured
Try taking a moment of your time
To actually get to know me
Instead of
Jumping down my throat
Pre bridge
I hate everything you stand for and represent
It fills me with rage and discontent
You’ve insulted the years that I have spent
Dedicated to my craft
Dedicated to my art
I don’t know how you can’t see my passion or my heart
without getting to know the truth about everything that I have been through
You could care less about what I’ve done
And all the countless hours given by everyone
This is my family and you have yet to see
This is our destiny and I don’t care what you have to say
We’re dedicated to our craft
We’re dedicated to our art
I don’t know how you can’t see our passion or our hearts
We’re grateful everyday for the music we get to make
There’s nothing you can say that will ever take that away
There is nothing
you can say
that will ever take that away
the years we spent
dedicated to my fuckin art
to my art
I hate everything you stand for and represent
It fills me with rage and discontent
You’ve insulted the years that I have spent
We are sick of hearing you
talk this way
Weve had enough
We are not backing down we’re here to stay
Nothing can break us apart
This our family
This is our art ”